Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Favorite Neon Sign

My sleeping habits are terrible.
Ans on top of that, we didn't get to bed until about 4 this morning.
Maddy started puking at dinner time and didn't stop, so at 2 am she was still awake, crying, and throwing up every 30 minutes or so.
So we got to take a family trip to the ER.

The triage nurse was a guy that Scott sees every time he has to take someone in custody to the ER.
This guy is GOOFY. 
But legitimately good at his job.
I've never had a good experience with a triage nurse, but he was nice and took really good care of Maddy.

Anyway, we were in and out within 30 minutes.
She has an ear infection and a stomach virus.
Luckily, we got medicine for both and all of it was covered by our insurance.

Anyway, we got home and finally got to bed and slept almost until noon.
Then Scott and I spent the day cleaning because Maddy managed to puke on just about everything in the house except the couches.
Then we all loaded up and went to the grocery store.
and to Krispy Kreme.
And y'all, guess what?
that's right. that beautiful neon sign was on, and we got a whole dozen.

Those were the BEST hot Krispy Kremes I have ever had.
I ate 2 on the ride back home.
And another after dinner.
And another just now.

Oh my gosh, I think I just gained a few pounds thinking about it.
So. That was our day. briefly, anyway. 
The long version includes things like "livin-with-scott-a-pause", me punching Scott in the sternum through the shower curtain, Maddy dancing, Maddy realizing that the sky exists, Scott teaching Maddy to growl, Lillee getting a bath on the kitchen counter in her little baby tub, seeing Banana-Butt at the grocery store, and so much more. 
But I just don't feel like typing all of those stories out.

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